Saturday, May 26, 2007


meet victoria. she's probably the most beautiful puerto rican that i've ever met. she is the youngest of three, the daughter of my mentor teacher during my stay in PR. she was in pre-kinder and because she didn't have class in the afternoons, she spent most afternoons hanging out with my class. she quickly became my little papoose. speaking little english, she would simply point for awhile. she often repeated the words that i would say in english. when my dad saw her he said, "look how sparkly her eyes are." i couldn't have said it better myself. one day at lunch, she sat across from me and said, "miss maple. you my best friend," in her very best english. another day she pointed to me and said, "mother," loudly and clearly. i will always have a special place in my heart for this wonderful little girl. she's another one of those people that i'll never forget.

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